Make sure you get the most out of your SharePoint solution.



If your SharePoint environment grows like a seed, you want to make sure it does not grow out of control and performs as intended. What you need is a competent service to ensure that your SharePoint implementation is efficient and secure enough to maximize the productivity of its users and lower the burden on your IT department.

Concerns and Possible Solutions

In our experience, enterprises face several common issues with their SharePoint environments. This is how Dynamic Domain can help you find the right solution:

  • Poor performance. With the increasing amount of content, SharePoint becomes sluggish, the system responds slower. Identifying the issues is a challenge. Dynamic Domain analyzes your SharePoint environment to pinpoint the causes of trouble
  • Security issues. In the course of an in-depth expertise, Dynamic Domain checks custom SharePoint applications for security vulnerabilities which often emerge because of the improper configuration of anonymous/ unauthorized access and permissions. Dynamic Domain uses Microsoft best practices as well as their extensive SharePoint experience to address all possible issues
  • High support costs. By taking a proactive approach in solving the identified issues, you not only enhance productivity and avoid potential risks but also cut the costs of fixing problems by your system administrators
  • SharePoint is not used to its full potential. In close cooperation with your business and technical representatives, Dynamic Domain integrates into your processes for a better understanding of how the SharePoint solution should be reconfigured to meet your corporate goals. Working together with you, Dynamic Domain finds out which services could do better and which of the ones you don’t use could bring value. You will also be advised on possible integrated solutions – for example, how to bring the SharePoint environment with your CRM system together


Dynamic Domain team averages more than 6 years of SharePoint experience and has successfully worked on implementations in such domains as oil and gas industry, banking and finance, retail and others. It brings in the whole of the past experience to identify the current as well as the potential issues in the SharePoint infrastructure regardless of your company’s size.

Dynamic Domain has developed a proven health check methodology to help customers make the most of their SharePoint investment. The methodology allows to assess your portal and identify the vulnerabilities that affect your solution’s security, stability and performance. It covers but is not limited to:

  • End-user experience assessment and load-time analysis
  • Analysis of the custom application exceptions
  • Review of the custom application code
  • Check against compliance with the Microsoft recommended rules
  • Content assessment and analysis


You get a detailed report with Dynamic Domain’s recommendations on the issues that are to be addressed for a better performance of your SharePoint environment. The document will precisely describe the findings as well as the practical solutions for both the short and long term. It will focus on every key aspect that may affect the SharePoint performance and security, including the custom application code, hardware configurations, content and more. Dynamic Domain will fully exploit their expertise to predict the future behavior of your environment. Additionally, you can acquire Dynamic Domain’s assistance in implementing the recommendations technically.