As the world goes mobile, tourists want to use their mobile devices to find information about various tourists’ destinations, search for leisure and adventure activities, book tickets and hotels and so on. Today tourists expect a seamless experience where they can shift easily between devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc.) and channels (mobile applications, reviews, websites, etc.).

With our mobile travel city guide Dynamic Domain helps create the city brand and attractive image, increase the tourists’ interest to the city and, as a result, increase city popularity and the possibility of future visits.


  • Self-guided tours: various routes for various desires, different languages, travel guide to popular places
  • Transportation: routes, timetables, traffic disruption, time until the next train/tram/ship and so on
  • City information: historical facts, present day information, city news, places to visit with details and facts about them, recreation and entertainment, accommodation and restaurants lists, shopping, information city services
  • City local newspaper
  • “Yellow pages”
  • QR-code scanner
  • Calendar of local events with their description
  • Reservation services (accommodation, tickets (train, tram, ship, flights)
  • City taxi
  • Weather forecast (with the ability to observe average monthly temperature)
  • Translator, including useful phrases in the local language

City mobile solution can be presented by separate mobile applications or combine different options from the list mentioned above and more.

Features for the city guide Dynamic Domain offers

Map -- A map of city locations and businesses (both online and offline)

“Near me” GPS function -- A list of locations based on the user’s proximity

Driving directions -- Users are able to get directions to different locations

Categories -- Tabs for different categories of the information (attractions, shopping)

Share content -- Opportunity to share information via Facebook, Twitter, e-mail

Reservation services -- Book accommodation, restaurants and tickets (train, tram, flights)

Connect to -- City Portal or Facebook page (if it exists)

Contact info and hotline numbers -- City Portal or Facebook page (if it exists)


Travel mobile applications for the city administration and city info providers to make their tourists and citizens informed and satisfied.

With mobile solution the city administration can get a mechanism of the analysis (approximate tourists’ number, countries their came from, percentage of different options usage, e.g. usage of different hotels, guide-tours, visitors of the city events).


  • Full cycle mobile application engineering
  • Cross-platform applications (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)
  • Mobile Quality Assurance
  • Application certifications and delivery to App Store, Android Marketplace and other application stores

Dynamic Domain’s team is professionals with deep expertise in diverse mobile applications who bring deep experience gained through working in a range of tourism projects.

Commercial benefits that you get with Dynamic Domain’s city guide:

  • Tourists spending - 15% - 30% higher
  • Info sharing in Social Media - 20% - 40% higher
  • Returning tourists - 10% - 20% higher