Dynamic Domain Microsoft Technologies team consists of MCTS and MCPD specialists whose 8-year working experience allows them to take on the most challenging projects.


  • Custom application development
  • Legacy project development
  • Start-up project development
  • Project recovery
  • Ongoing project inspection


Core Technologies ASP.Net, AJAX, MVC, Silverlight, Classic ASP, WPF, Windows Forms, Web Services, Remoting, WCF, ADO.NET, Linq, Entity Framework, Enterprise Services (COM+, MSMQ), Interoperability (COM, PInvoke)
Storage MS SQL Server 2000..2012, My SQL, Oracle
Languages C#, VB.NET, Managed C++, F#, XAML, Java Script, XML, XSD, HTML, C++, VB
Framework .NET 1.0 … .NET 4.5
Configuration Tools TFS, Team City, SVN, NAnt, NCover, FxCop, StyleCop, CCNet, JIRA, Green Hooper
Libraries & Components Enterprise Library, Software Factories, MS Application Blocks, NHibernate, LLBGen, NSpring, NUnit, Rhino, Moq, JQuery, Infragistics, Telerics, DevExpress.
Content Management System Orchard, Dot Net Nuke
Deployment & Hosting IIS 5, 6, 7, 8 (VPS, Dedicated, Shared), Azure Cloud Hosting, Web Farms & High load distributed applications