Melting together digital assets, product information and web content into an ultimate user experience with extensible Pimcore solutions.

Realizing the future potential of Pimcore platform back in 2008, Dynamic Domain’s web development team put a bet on it and has been growing their competence in this technology ever since. It works great for projects which require dynamic communication with end users and customers on the web, be it desktop or mobile devices.


Our team of 7 Pimcore developers have hands-on experience with the following platform features:

  • Web Content Management – to establish your online presence with the help of:
    • microsites, landings, mobile sites and apps, responsive sites and more
    • multilanguage support
    • intuitive user interface
    • easy onboarding for admins with little to no coding skills
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM/MAM solution) – to streamline the lifecycle of your digital assets:
    • built-in style editors, snippets, widgets and responsive design
    • convenient upload of new content
    • built-in image editor
  • Product Information Management – for omnichannel commerce:
    • “connect anything” architecture to interconnect any piece of content or data on the Pimcore platform and manage and control it from one central hub
    • advanced product attributes
    • API integration into the existing IT environment (Pimcore + Magento, e.g.)
  • Integrated Multi-Channel E-Commerce-Platform – for higher visitor to customer conversion:
    • catalog, cart and search filter functionality
    • marketing and pricing rules
    • user-specific recommendations
  • Multi-Channel-Publishing & Web-to-Print – to automate routine work and free up the creativity of your marketing staff:
    • schedule publishing
    • traditional web, social and mobile channels
    • traditional media such as print, smart TV, digital signage, etc. channels
  • Customer Experience & Engagement Management – for continuous traffic growth:
    • diversified UX scenarios
    • gamification strategies
    • interactive multimedia content
  • Marketing Campaign Management – for faster embarking and more customer insights:
    • social media reporting
    • QR code management
    • Google Webmasters and Analytics integration
  • Targeting & Personalization – for individual online experiences:
    • content adaptation to the selected targeted segments
    • self-learning system
    • data privacy policy compliance


There are several ways in which Pimcore helps bring quality content to mobile users:

  • Mobile-optimized website: lean, responsive and unique design which looks good on any device
  • Mobile app with Pimcore backend: engage with your customers and users through dedicated iOS, Android, WP or cross-platform apps while managing the digital assets from a single Pimcore hub

To get a feel and touch of your would-be Pimcore solution, we recommend trying out free demos on the official Pimcore website:

  1. Web Content-Management
  2. E-Commerce, Asset Management & PIM


Besides turnkey development, Dynamic Domain offers continuous support and maintenance of live Pimcore solutions under a service-level agreement (SLA):

  • scaling and high-load optimization
  • refactoring Pimcore projects
  • Pimcore administration for a smooth UX: changing the website structure, adjusting configuration options and setting up easy data import as well as managing user accounts and roles
  • SEO audit and recommendations for Pimcore solutions to boost your visibility and search engine rankings
  • security updates and audit of live Pimcore projects
  • updating Pimcore to the latest version


We offer a fresh start for web solutions implemented on other platforms by migrating them to Pimcore.

Fast. Seamless. Secure against data loss and downtime