


Dynamic Domain brings in technological excellence to help clients benefit from better analytics


Dynamic Domain brings in years of experience in data analysis to help clients turn their data into a strategic asset. With a strong focus on data science, we have created custom applications that drive profit from advanced analytics:

  • Sales analysis system for a global FMCG company with 1 bn consumers
  • Reporting and analytics for a project management system
  • Trade promotion management for a US food processing company with 200 locations worldwide
  • Cross-media planning platform for the US largest advertising agency
  • Business intelligence (BI) for 200 healthcare centers in the US
  • Trade marketing planning system for an FMCG corporation with products sold in 180 markets
  • Performance management system for 2,000 car retailers
  • Mobile interactive analytical map
  • Brand health monitoring system to promote 8,000 FMCG brands

Our team provides business intelligence (BI) services for many clients in various industries including:

  • Healthcare
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Media
  • Retail
  • FMCG corporations
  • Banking
  • Oil and Gas


We help organizations improve the performance of data-rich business processes, covering data analysis from A to Z:

  • Data warehousing and ETL: aggregate clean and accurate data from multiple sources into a single database optimized to process information quickly and safely
  • OLAP cubes, reporting and visualization: analyze and visualize sophisticated metrics to measure what works best for your business
  • Predictive analytics: use advanced analytics techniques such as machine learning, data mining, churn prediction models and others to figure out trends and patterns in the data, be it customer service, marketing, sales, finance or another activity of your business


Data warehousing and ETL: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, IBM DB2, Amazon Web Services, SAP, Oracle, Sybase

BI and reporting: Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Reporting Services, IBM Cognos, Oracle BI, Tibco Spotfire, MicroStrategy, QlikView, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Power Pivot, JReport, Power View

Data mining and forecasting: R, IBM SPSS, Statistica, Mathematica, MATLAB

Software design: Microsoft Visio, Enterprise Architect, SAP Sybase PowerDesigner, Oracle Warehouse Builder


Can we use data analysis in risk management and fraud detection?

Definitely, yes. In the recent years companies, especially banks, have been striving to integrate business systems with large data warehouses to have better visibility of the key data and prevent malicious and fraudulent activities. We use the following analytical techniques to help clients increase security:

  • Outlier detection: calculating statistical parameters, such as averages and high/low values
  • Classification: finding patterns among data elements
  • Duplicate testing: noting duplicate transactions like payments, claims and expense report items
  • Gap testing: pinpointing missing values in sequential data
  • Validating entry dates: detecting suspicious or inappropriate times for posting or data entry
  • Checking sums: identifying control totals that may have been falsified

Will our clients’ data be safe during the development process?

Yes, we are committed to a secure and reliable software development process and that’s why we have built our own safe infrastructure and stick to strict legal agreements.