Dynamic Domain has been providing application support and maintenance services to customers for the last 10 years and proved to be a professional and reliable partner for level 2 and level 3 support of companies such as IBM, PerkinElmer, Ascent Jet, and Siberian Service Company. Our services can be extended to cover 24/7/365 for all time zones. Our application support specialists speak English, German, French, Finnish, Russian and Belarusian.

With Dynamic Domain professional application and maintenance support services your company will:

  • Reduce the cost for technical support;
  • Free your own IT resources to focus on the company’s core competencies;
  • Improve service response and resolution time;
  • Achieve smoother introduction of new products releases and upgrades to end users.


Time and Material (T&M)

This type of technical support is suitable for ongoing support of the existing application or system and minor features development. According to the T&M model, you will receive the end-of-the-month invoice based on the work actually done.

Bucket Hours

This type of support is also suitable for ongoing support of the existing application or system and minor features development. The difference from the previous type is that you pay in advance for a bunch of hours at a reduced hourly rate.

24/7 Help Desk (Support Center)

This type of support provides assistance to end-users of the application or system. Dynamic Domain establishes a dedicated team of technical support specialists that solve the occurring problems on an ongoing basis. A convenient monthly flat rate is billed at the end of the month.